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Dr. Anne Boykin

  • AUTH ARC-014 AB
  • Pessoa singular
  • n.d.

Anne Boykin grew up in Little Chute, Wisconsin, the second oldest of six children in a large extended family. She is married to Stephen Staudenmeyer and they have four children, Lisa, Christopher, Ingrid and Anna. She completed her baccalaureate degree at Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She practiced nursing at both a community hospital and the Veteran’s Administration hospital prior to pursuing graduate study at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. After earning her Masters in Nursing, she taught at various colleges and universities. It was at this time that a pivotal question began to occupy her thoughts---“Does nursing have its own content to be taught? ” It was the passion to answer this question which caused her to accept an administrative position as Director and then founding Dean of the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, and to conduct research in acute care settings focused on creating caring environments.

For the past 30 years, she has committed her professional life trying to articulate and make visible the living of caring in nursing education, nursing practice and nursing research. Her tenure as Dean was devoted to co-creating with faculty an innovative, caring-based nursing program. An outgrowth of this work was the 1994 National League for Nursing publication of Living a Caring-Based Program. This book describes the evolution and living of a caring-based program, grounded in foundational beliefs and values of person, and centered in caring.

Dr. Boykin and Dr. Savina Schoenhofer both participated in the development of this program. When this work was completed, they recognized the necessity of continuing to develop and structure ideas relevant to a full understanding of nursing as a discipline and profession. This work led to their grand theory, Nursing As Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice. Early forms of the theory were first published in 1990 and 1991, followed by the publication of the theory in 1993 and a revision with the addition of an epilogue in 2001. This book is now available for free download at

Her 2013 book, Health Care System Transformation for Nursing and Health Care Leaders: Implementing a Culture of Caring (Springer Publishing Company, 2014), co-authored with Savina Schoenhofer and Kathleen Valentine, is theoretically grounded in the values of Nursing as Caring. It describes use of the model, The Dance of Caring Persons, as a guide for transforming the culture of healthcare systems.

Dr. Boykin has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to the advancement of knowledge in the discipline. Her scholarly work is centered in caring as the grounding for nursing. She served as editor for numerous other books and authored many book chapters and articles. Within the International Association for Human Caring she has served as President-Elect, President, and member of the nominating committee. She served as coeditor of the International Journal for Human Caring from 1996-1999.

She is currently Professor Emeritus and Director of the Anne Boykin Institute for the Advancement of Caring in Nursing in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University. This Institute provides global leadership for nursing education, practice and research grounded in caring; promotes the valuing of caring across disciplines; and supports the caring mission of the college.

A copy of Dr. Boykin’s curriculum vitae can be found here:

Dr. Delores A. Gaut

  • AUTH - ARC-006 - DG
  • Pessoa singular
  • 1934-present

Carol L. Picard

  • AUTH - ARC-012 - CP
  • Pessoa singular
  • nd

CAROL LEGER PICARD received her BSN in 1972 from Fitchburg State College in Massachusetts, her MS from Boston College in 1976, and PhD from
Boston College in 1998. She is President, Carol Picard Associates, and Founder of the Nursing Art Quartet. Her professional career includes the following experience: Professor, Graduate Program Director, PhD Program Director, University of Massachusetts; Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Associate Clinical Scientist, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Cantor Center, Boston; Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Visiting Professor, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; Associate Director and Professor in the Graduate Nursing Program at MGH Institute of Health Professions; Associate Professor, Fitchburg State College Department of Nursing. Dr. Picard was also a Psychotherapist in Private Practice; Clinical Supervisor, Geriatric Services of Central Massachusetts; Chief Nurse Clinician, Marlboro (MA) Mental Health Clinic; Lecturer, Massachusetts Bay Community College, Wellesley, MA; Nurse Clinician and Community Mental Health Nurse Advisor at various clinics in Massachusetts, and began her nursing career in 1972 as a Staff Nurse, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
Dr. Picard has received the following grant funding: Research - 1988-2002: UK National Health Service, MGH Institute of Health Professions, Kenneth Schwartz Center, Sigma Theta Tau - Epsilon Beta and Alpha Chi chapters. Programs: US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); US Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN).
As of August 2010 she has published 19 peer reviewed journal articles, 11 book chapters, and one book [Picard, C. & Jones, D. (Eds.) (2005). Giving voice to what we know: Margaret Newman’s theory of health as expanding consciousness in nursing practice, research and education. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.] She has presented keynote addresses in 26 states, as well as Canada, Colombia, England, Japan, Mexico, Scotland, South Africa, from 1999-2010. Her peer-reviewed presentations and posters from 1990-2007 were at national, international and regional conferences, including travels to Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, the Netherlands, Russia, Scotland, and Taiwan. Invited presentations during 1983-2006 were for universities, colleges, Sigma Theta Tau chapters, national and international professional conferences, hospitals and medical centers. Topics primarily focused on leadership in nursing, caring, compassion, creativity, stress disorders, psychotropic medications, family systems theory, and self-care.
Dr. Picard’s consultation work has included projects for hospitals, colleges of nursing, and corporations, in the US, UK, and Russia. In 2007 she participated in the Think Tank: Creating
Optimal Healing Environments at Samueli Institute, Esalen, California.
Dr. Picard has served on the Manuscript Review Panel, Editorial Board, Advisory Board, or as Peer Reviewer for Nursing Science Quarterly, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (UK), NT Research (UK), International Journal for Human Caring, Nursing Spectrum, Global Institute for Nursing and Health, Holistic Nursing Task Force Mass. Board of Registration, N & HC: Perspectives on Community, Medical Care (Russian nursing research journal), Bay State Nurse News, Waking Dreams and Warrior Women.
She was Tour Leader and Conference Planner for US/Russian Nursing Conferences held during 1995-1999.
Professional affiliations include the American Holistic Nurses Association, American Psychiatric Nurses Association (Research Council, 2005-present), International Society of Psychiatric Nurses, International Association for Human Caring (President, 2002-2004), Massachusetts Nurses Association (Vice President – District II, 1991-1993), Massachusetts Nurses Foundation (Trustee, 1992-1995), Massachusetts Psychiatric Nurses Association, Oncology Nursing Society, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (President, 2005-2007), Society of Rogerian Scholars.
Dr. Picard’s major choreography: Bringing it all back home: ICU nurse stories and relationship-centered care (2006); Who can I turn to? (based on findings of study with parents of bipolar children) (2001); Healing reflections: the transformative mirror (1997); Songlines, A work in progress for dancer and cello (1994); Love in any language (1994); Meditation on Hildegarde of Bingen (1993); Heal the world (1993); On Caring (1992). These dance pieces were performed at conferences of the International Association for Human Caring and other nursing and health care related organizations, and in academic settings.
Dr. Picard’s honors and awards include Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses Living Legend Award, 2008; The Sage Colleges Delta Pi Chapter STTI Distinguished Leadership Award, 2007; Emmanuel College Clara Barton Humanitarian Award, 2006; Academic Keys Who's Who in Health Sciences Education, 2005; Fitchburg State College Alumni Achievement Award - First Recipient, 2003; Massachusetts General Hospital Partners in Excellence Award, 2001, 2002; Sigma Theta Tau International Epsilon Beta Chapter Lifetime Achievement Award, 2001; Association of College Honor Societies & Sigma Theta Tau International Certificate of Distinction, 2000; Boston College Doctoral Candidate with Distinction, 1997; University Fellow 1995-98; Epsilon Beta Chapter Sigma Theta Tau Mentor Award, 1995; Massachusetts Nurses Association Image of the Professional Nurse Award, 1995; Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing Faculty Development Award, 1994; Who's Who in American Nursing, 1983. [Complete CV as of August 2011 is archived.]

Dr. Jean Watson

  • AUTH ARC-019 AB
  • Pessoa singular
  • n.d.

Dr. Jean Watson is Distinguished Professor and Dean Emerita, University of Colorado Denver, College of Nursing Anschutz Medical Center campus, where she held the nation’s first endowed Chair in Caring Science for 16 years. She is founder of the original Center for Human Caring in Colorado and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing; past President of the National League for Nursing; founding member of International Association in Human Caring and International Caritas Consortium. She is Founder and Director of non-profit foundation, Watson Caring Science Institute.

As author/co-author of over 30 books on caring, her latest books range from empirical measurements and international research on caring, to new postmodern philosophies of caring and healing, philosophy and science of caring and caring science as sacred science, global advance in Caring Literacy. Her books have received the American Journal of Nursing’s “Book of the Year” award and seek to bridge paradigms as well as point toward transformative models for this 21st century. In October, 2013 Dr. Watson was inducted as a Living Legend by the American Academy of Nursing, its highest honor.

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