Kathleen L. Valentine

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Kathleen L. Valentine

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Dr. Kathleen L. Valentine received her Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1989. Her dissertation topic was the economic value of caring nurses, with the title “The Value of Caring Nurses: Implications for Patient Satisfaction, Quality of Care and Cost.” A complete curriculum vitae (CV) dated October 20, 2007 is archived. In this CV, Dr. Valentine states: “The Primary focus of my publications has been to report on methods and findings from studies that I conducted that involve caring and how it matters to individuals, families, and systems. As president of the International Association for Human Caring [1996 – 1999] I initiated the International Journal for Human Caring, to help disseminate care/caring scholarly work. Some of my most recent work is in analyzing and synthesizing findings across studies of caring. I was the founding Editor and continued as Editor from 1997-2001.”


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  • Presse-papier

  • Exporter

  • EAC

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